Chocolate Covered Fortune Cookies - Banana Flavored
With the succulent sweet taste of a luscious tropical banana dipped in melted chocolate extravagance, our chocolate covered banana flavored fortune cookies are sinfully delicious. The taste of our banana chocolate covered fortune cookie is reminiscent of banana pudding—an old Southern treat involving sliced bananas, vanilla wafers, and chocolate. Need Chinese takeout containers, we have them! Our Chinese takeout boxes
come in many colors and four different sizes perfect for any budget or
wedding favor design. We can even put a custom imprint on each takeout
Chocolate Covered Fortune Cookies - Banana Flavored Fortune Cookie With the succulent sweet taste of a luscious tropical banana dipped in melted chocolate extravagance, our chocolate covered banana flavored fortune cookies are sinfully delicious. The taste of our banana chocolate covered fortune cookie is reminiscent of banana pudding—an old Southern treat involving sliced bananas, vanilla wafers, and chocolate. You’ll be reminded of the yummy banana flavored cakes, pies and breads that mother used to make. Our banana flavored fortune cookies are soothing and comforting, and made even more delectable when combined with creamy chocolate intensity. Perfect for These Meetings, Parties or Events: Wedding guests will go ape for chocolate covered banana flavored fortune cookies, especially at tropical-themed weddings. They add a fun and light festive flair to destination weddings and all kinds of summer events. A popular treat to bring to dinner parties, as well.
The Ultimate Favor for Your Dream
Have you ever tried chocolate covered fortune cookies? Chocolate covered fortune cookies are the
perfect favor to add an extra level of indulgence
and a first-class look to your special day.
We can hand-dip any of our gourmet fortune
cookies in milk or white chocolate. Chocolate
covered fortune cookies are the perfect
gift to show your wedding guests how much
you truly care about them.
The Ultimate in Fresh:
All of our fortune cookies are baked
to order--usually on the same day they are
shipped. Each fortune cookie is individually
wrapped in clear cellophane to seal in freshness,
reduce mess and provide for the safest shipping
possible, reducing the likelihood of breakage.
Important Custom Fortune Cookie Details
Chocolate Covered Banana Flavored Fortune Cookies • 5 Personalized Fortune Cookie Sayings Included • Each message is 3 lines, 32 characters per line • Additional messages just $5.00 each • Personalized fortune cookies bake and ship in 7 business days • All messages are mixed randomly. Unless you select the $35.00 separation from the dropdown menu. • Adding a logo, artwork, or color imprint is $40.00 • Emojis will print on the fortunes! • Each fortune cookie is individually wrapped in clear cello
ADDING EXTRA FORTUNES TO YOUR ORDER • Your first 5 fortunes are free, after that each additional message in your order is $5 each. • You may split your 5 free fortunes among as many as 5 different flavors—as you add each flavor to your cart, simply type which message(s) you want to be inside that flavor. • If you do add extra fortunes, simply type them on the order page of the flavor where they belong. For example, if you want 100 lemon cookies with 5 messages and 100 orange cookies with 5 different messages, type your fortunes on the corresponding pages. The first 5 are free, so your 5 additional fortunes would total an extra $25. • When you order additional fortunes, the extra charges will NOT be reflected in your order total. You will receive an email soon after placing your order that details the additional charge for your extra fortunes. Therefore you will see 2 separate charges on your credit card statement—one for the order itself and one just for the extra fortunes. • We’re happy to answer any questions you may have about this—or anything else! We’re here M-F 9am—6pm Eastern time to take your call at 888-776-6611
